Rediscover your room’s story by showcasing what is important to you and speaks of your personality.

What is your favorite part of this room? (Fireplace, big window, bookshelf)
What are 3 of your favorite things in this room? (Big comfy chair, peaceful piece of art, flooring)

Step one: Declutter

Not sure where to start?

Sort all items – Like with Like
Hint: If you are in a room with clothing, collect all clothing in the home to sort

Reduce redundancy


Tip# 1: Unsure about an item due to an emotional pull

· Gifts given to you creating a level of guilt – think of it as you no longer need this item but know that there is someone else who does.
· Can take pictures of items that mean something to you as a way to reduce the size but keep the sentiment. This takes up a lot less space and you still have the keepsake.


Tip# 2: Effective strategy – 3-question formula.

  • Would I buy this tomorrow?
  • Do I love it?
  • Have I used it in the last 12 months?


Tip# 3: Get rid of donation and throw away piles immediately

Having these piles around for any time will halt the feeling of achievement and be replaced with fatigue and overwhelm.

Find a home for each item.


Question: Why does Clutter happen?

Items that are collected that either don’t have a purpose or we don’t have a place to put it. There are usually feelings around these items that represent guilt, resentment, and avoidance.


Benefits: Moves stagnant energy, creating an environment that promotes Harmony, Relaxation and Rejuvenation. CAUTION: creates immediate feelings of accomplishment, euphoria and a sincere feeling to take over the world.